Oral Cavity and Maxillary/Mandibular Reconstruction
Oral cavity/buccal mucosa cancer effects individuals chewing betel nut (Pan/Chalia), using Naswar(quid/powdered tobacco),smoking and those involved in alcohol consumption. Middle aged people are mainly affected.

Pre operative picture of Buccal mucosal Squamous cell Carcinoma. Patient was a Naswar(Quid) user.

Early Post Op Pic after resection and reconstruction with pedicled submental artery flap. The patient underwent Neck dissection to remove lymph nodes from the same side.
Buccal Mucosal and Palatal shelf SCC.

Buccal mucosal cancer involving palatal shelf.

Resection and neck node dissection followed by Reconstruction with a Free Radial Forearm Flap. Patient also under went post op Radiation as part of treatment protocol.
Primary Reconstruction.

Post operative result after resection and reconstruction with free vascularized fibula flap.
Video clip showing satisfactory mouth opening few months after resection and reconstruction.
Secondary Reconstruction with Fibula Flap.
This patient underwent a free vascularized fibula reconstruction(subsequent failure) for left hemimandible resection done elsewhere.

After Redo vascularized osteo cutaneous fibula flap.


Large Ameloblastoma of Mandible Reconstructed with DCIA Flap after resection.

Post Op 3D CT Scan images showing satisfactory alignment and bone stock.